Welcome back to Testimony Tuesday! Today's testimony is brought to us by Faith Warden. In addition to sharing her love for Jesus, Faith also shares about health and wellness from her IG page @simplyfaithwarden, so be sure to check it out!
One of the hardest things in life can be trusting the Lord when we don’t understand WHY things happen the way that they do. I know I’ve faced many things in life that have left me wondering whether or not I could really trust God. Wondering if He had actually let me down…Wondering if He was even hearing my prayers…Wondering if He truly cared about how I felt… The list could go on. But in every situation, I have found this verse to be true— regardless of how my heart was feeling on the inside: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; And lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” — Proverbs 3:5-6
What I’ve learned is that TRUSTING God is a CHOICE, not a feeling or an emotion. I’m gonna be honest. There will be times in life that you will wonder if God has left you on your own, or you’ll wonder why something happened the way that it did, why someone chose to walk away from your life, or why you had to lose someone that you loved so much… Trusting God may feel like an impossible task in the middle of these storms, but I’m here to tell you that if you can decide TODAY that you will trust God no matter what when the storms come + your heart is breaking— it will be a whole lot easier to not lean on your own understanding because you’ve already decided to put your trust in the Lord— No. Matter. What.
Life can be confusing at times, but when you live your life everyday seeking + acknowledging Him, He WILL direct your paths + He will always show Himself to be true in the end. Life doesn’t always make sense, but I’ve found comfort in knowing that the God who created the universe holds my life + my heart in the palm of His hands, + nothing can take Him away from me. Maybe you’re going through a storm in life right now + you’re struggling to figure it all out— let me encourage you by saying that you’re not alone. We all go through things in life that can shake our faith at times, but He is ALWAYS faithful + He is ALWAYS with us. Even when it doesn’t feel like it. So let this be your reminder to choose to TRUST God every day. No matter what.
Xoxo, Faith