Welcome back to Testimony Tuesday! Today's post is written by @lauren.ash.lambert Lauren, is a blog writer who inspires others with her faith and fashion. She is also a preacher's wife and a mother to two children. Be sure to check out her page!
Even when you are faithless, Christ is still faithful! Some days my faith is just flat-out weak. I’ve been through some major heartaches and hardships in my life, which brought on a lot of worry & anxiety. My first baby, Luke was diagnosed with blood cancer at 18 months and was on chemo until he was 5 years old. For the first couple of years after him being off treatment, I was so scared at what the future would bring. I would worry about all the what ifs and my body would physically hurt from so much tension and stress.
As a Christian and preacher’s wife, I knew I “should” just not worry and trust God, but some days it was just too hard. Even though many times over the past 7 years I’ve had some weak faith moments, it doesn’t change the fact that God is still good and He has been faithful every step of the way. Luke is now 8 years old, cancer-free, healthy, and saved! I’m so glad my little faith doesn’t affect God’s faithfulness. I’m thankful for His consistency when I’m wishy-washy. I’m thankful for His goodness, even though I’m not always the best Christian I could be.