Hey y’all! I’m Ashlyn Biddy 💛 I’m a 23 year old pastors daughter from North Georgia. I’m our church Secretary and I teach music three days a week. I’m starting Cosmetology school October and I have a crazy obsession with my 5 chickens 😂 I stay very busy but I honestly wouldn’t have it any other way!

I’m so thankful Summer asked me to share my testimony with y’all! Such an honor 💛
So like I said I’m a pastor’s kid. I’ve been in church my whole life. I made several different professions but I knew deep down after each one that I was only doing that because that’s what I was “supposed” to do; not because I was convicted.
So for years I dealt with so much doubt and anxiety...afraid that the Lord would come back and I’d be left behind because I didn’t KNOW for sure that I was saved. Then back in December of 2019, I was singing at a winter camp in North Carolina. While in the girls dorm one night, people started sharing their testimony. I literally sat there and COULD. NOT. MOVE. I was terrified that they were going to call on me and ask me to share my testimony and I knew I didn’t have one that was real. I went to bed that night and asked God if I was lost, to make me wake up miserable, and boy did He ever answer that prayer!
I woke up the next morning, couldn’t eat, didn’t want to talk to anyone... I WAS MISERABLE!
I went to the morning service and it was all I could do to sing. I KNEW for sure that I was lost. For the first time, I saw Jesus nailed to the tree for ME and for MY sins. After the morning service, I told Mrs. Brittany Lindsay that I was lost and needed to be saved! We knelt down in the choir loft and I asked the Lord to save me. Immediately, all the doubt and questions were gone! I haven’t doubted a day since 💛 The Lord completely changed my life and I am so thankful!