Today I am excited to share what my friend @hannahpate has written about her calling into missions! Hannah is a sweet, fun-loving person, who passionately serves Christ! I hope you enjoy her story as much as I have!

God has always been number one in my life no doubt about that. Yet as I got older it felt harder to serve when I didn’t feel a call on my life. Over the years I’ve served through outreach, music, and with teaching the kids at my church. I loved every minute of it, but I didn’t feel that click of this is what God has planned for me.
Fast forward a few years, my church was doing a fundraiser for missions, and it hit me. It felt like someone was pulling at me saying “this is it." From that moment on, I was ready to go! In 2017, there was a mission trip to Panama I believe, and I wanted so badly to go. Yet it seemed like every door I tried to go through slammed shut in my face.
I began to question God, why give me this desire, why give me this passion and longing, and open no door. As Christians we are called to go out and be the hands and feet, to reach the lost, to show others that when they have no one - there is a true love with God. This was my passion, and when I couldn’t fulfill that, the thoughts begin to flood my mind. “Well maybe this isn’t in his will, or maybe I misunderstood, this just wasn’t my call.”
Well during youth camp that summer, it was almost like the preacher had been reading my mind! What he was preaching on, was just what I needed to hear. It got to the end of the service and he began prophesying over some of the people there. Well, he began speaking, “God has been dealing with someone here, He wants you to know that there is a plan. To put your trust in the Lord, because this is a season where He is laying a foundation for you. So you will be spiritually ready in your walk and in your strength to go out and do His works."
Tears began to fall, I knew that His plan was way greater than mine could ever be. Last year I received my second confirmation that missions was the call God had placed on my life. I went on my very first trip to Honduras. I got to experience a hunger and passion for Christ like never before. The church services were like a glimpse of heaven. Even though there was a language barrier, when the spirit came down, it just seemed to disappear. It didn’t matter the language we spoke, we were all worshiping the same God.
In that very moment, I knew the answers to my questions a few years back. I was right where I needed to be, on my walk with Him, so I could experience that moment to it’s fullest potential. What I’m trying to say is don’t rush what God has for you. If it is really what He has called you to do, the door will open. Take a step back and let God take the lead, let him build your foundation and just see the places He takes you. It will be greater than you could ever imagine!