Today I am featuring my sweet Sister-in-law and friend, Katelyn, who is 20 years old, married, and a great homemaker. She has traveled abroad on several mission trips and truly has a heart to serve others. You can check out her page here @thrukateseyes.

"In 2010, I stepped foot in an airplane for the first time. Not knowing how the Lord would use me, I flew to Guatemala on my first mission trip. As a child, I honestly had no idea the impact that a trip like that could ever have on me. 10 years later, the Lord has called me on eight more mission trips, both internationally and here in my own neighborhood. In Matthew 28, Jesus commands us to go unto all the world and make disciples, also known as the Great Commission. Missions isn’t always about “going” and “doing” which is the biggest thing the Lord has taught me. Missions is about “making” for the kingdom of God. As Christians, we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus, wherever we are. I have served in the streets of third world countries and in the streets on my own country. God used me in both areas in the same way He can you use you wherever you are! You don’t have to feel called to go somewhere like I did, but you can feel called to serve as you check out at the store, eat at a restaurant, or walk in your neighborhood. It’s about being the light to the dark world! I pray that you allow the Lord to use you to further His kingdom."